Login using username and password

In this page, your posts will be listed and you can filter and search and sort them. Also, you can edit, delete, publish and unpublish your posts. Also, from the New button, you can access to the editor and write new posts.

This is a great editor that will give you lots of tools to make great content with good SEO. There are fields for custom URL and custom description and you can add tags, categories, custom date, select from authors and add some custom fields.

File Manager
The editor comes with a simple and useful File Manager that allows you to create folders and organize your files. you can upload any kind of files and import it into your content.

Tags and Categories
Here on this page, you can see a list of categories that you've made from this page or from the editor page. you can see how many posts are in each category and search or filter. Also, you can select any of them and delete or edit them.

You can add your photo, have a display name different than your real name and use some custom fields if your theme does support. Also, from this page, you are able to change the password.